Chilades lajus – Lime Blue
Neopithecops zalmora – Common Quaker
Papilio demoleus – Lime Swallowtail
Papilio dravidarum – Malabar Raven
Papilio helenus – Red Helen
Papilio daksha – Large-spotted Helen
Papilio (agenor) polymnestor – Peninsular Great Mormon (=Blue Mormon)
Papilio polytes – Common Mormon
Natural History: A medium-sized shrub found in the Indian subcontinent to southeast Asia. Leaves are compound, consist of 5-7 leaflets and smell like lemon when crushed. Small white flowers are borne in terminal clusters. Fruits are round, pink coloured berries filled with pulp and seeds. Plant is used in traditional medicines (Flowers of India, 2023).
Nitin, R., V. C. Balakrishnan, P. V. Churi, S. Kalesh, S. Prakash, and K. Kunte. 2018. Larval host plants of the butterflies of the Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 10:11495–11550. DOI:
HOSTS (2023) - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants. Accessed on 09 Jan 2023. URL:
WFO (2023): World Flora Online. Accessed on 09 Jan 2023. URL:
Flowers of India (2023). Accessed on 09 Jan 2023. URL:
Kawthankar, N. 2025. Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. – Gin Berry. In Kunte, K., S. Sondhi, and P. Roy (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 4.12. Published by the Indian Foundation for Butterflies. URL:, accessed 2025/02/16.