Butterflies of India website is a vast project that draws upon the expertise of a large number of butterfly systematists, taxonomists, biologists and experienced naturalists, and upon the generous contributions from butterfly-watchers and photographers. As a result, this website is truly a consortium of scientists, whether they are professional, amateur or citizen. The team members are:
CHIEF EDITORS: Krushnamegh Kunte, Sanjay Sondhi, Purnendu Roy
Natural History and Biology, including early stages and larval host plants: Hemant Ogale, Rohan Lovalekar, Paresh Churi, Nitin Kawthankar, Krushnamegh Kunte. Former members: Tarun Karmakar, Pranav Gokhale, Nitin R.
Systematics, Taxonomy, and Nomenclature (including common names): Krushnamegh Kunte, Sanjay Sondhi. Former members: Purnendu Roy.
Content Development, Image Reviews, Website Operations, etc: Krushnamegh Kunte, Sanjay Sondhi, Fahim Khan, Savita Bharti, Rohit Girotra, Ashok Sengupta. Former members Nitin R.
Mobile App Development and Content: Vasudeesha Bhat, Fahim Khan, Rajat Joshi, Savita Bharti, Swathi H. A., Krushnamegh Kunte.
Policy, Outreach, and Collaborations: Sanjay Sondhi, Krushnamegh Kunte, Ullasa Kodandaramaiah.
Website Development and Management: Krushnamegh Kunte, Sanjay Sondhi, Rajesh R., Prasanta Baruah. Former members: Purnendu Roy.
REVIEWERS: content reviewers, including for images, listed not in any particular order:
Fahim Khan | Savita Bharti | Hemant Ogale | Dattaprasad Sawant | Paresh Churi |
Sanjay Sondhi | Ashok Sengupta | Vikas Madhav Nagarajan | Swathi H. A. | Abhay Soman |
Tarun Karmakar | Pranav Gokhale | Arjan Basu Roy | Rudraprasad Das | Tushar Bhagwat |
G. S. Girish Kumar | Purnendu Roy | Krushnamegh Kunte | Atanu Bose | Deepak Naik |
Rajat Joshi | Rohan Lovalekar | Nitin R. |
This is an expanding list, so please let us know if you want to volunteer to develop this website, or want to nominate someone to be an editor or a reviewer.
Image contributors are mentioned on the images themselves, and they will be listed on a separate page, with links to their contributions, in due course.