Sida rhombifolia – Mahabala, Arrowleaf Sida

Other notes

Taxonomic Complex: As per Sivaranjan and Pradeep, 1994; Tambde et al. 2016; WFO, 2023 and POWO, 2023.

  1. Sida alnifolia L. = Sida rhombifolia subsp. alnifolia (L.) Ugbor.
  2. Sida rhombifolia L. = Sida rhombifolia subsp. rhombifolia L.
  3. Sida rhomboidea Roxb. = Sida rhombifolia var. rhomboidea (Roxb. ex Fleming) Mast.
  4. Sida scabrida Wight & Arn. = Sida rhombifolia var. scabrida (Wight & Arn.) Mast.



Nitin, R., V. C. Balakrishnan, P. V. Churi, S. Kalesh, S. Prakash, and K. Kunte. 2018. Larval host plants of the butterflies of the Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 10:11495–11550. DOI:

WFO (2023): World Flora Online. Accessed on 03 Feb 2023. URL:

Flowers of India (2023). Accessed on 03 Feb 2023. URL:

POWO (2023): Plants of the World Online. Accessed on 03 Feb 2023. URL:

Sivaranjan, V. V. and A. K. Pradeep. 1994. Taxonomy of the Sida rhombifolia (malvaceae) complex in India. Sida: Contributions to Botany, 16(1), 63–78.

Tambde, G. M., R. D. Gore and M. M. Sardesai. 2016. A synopsis of the genus Sida L.(Malvaceae) from Maharashtra, India. Taiwania, 61(3). DOI:

Page citation

Kawthankar, N. 2025. Sida rhombifolia L. – Mahabala, Arrowleaf Sida. In Kunte, K., S. Sondhi, and P. Roy (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 4.12. Published by the Indian Foundation for Butterflies. URL:, accessed 2025/02/19.